Grow a lemon in a cup to aromatize the whole house
Occasionally prune the lemon tree to promote healthy growth and shape.
Remove any dead or yellowing leaves to encourage new growth.
7. Enjoy the Aroma:
As the lemon tree matures, it will emit a pleasant citrus fragrance indoors.
Place the cup in a central location or near a vent for enhanced scent distribution.
Tips for Success:
Be patient as lemon trees grow slowly from seed.
Maintain temperatures between 60-70°F (15-21°C), avoiding drafts and direct heat.
Use diluted, balanced fertilizer sparingly during the growing season.
Monitor for pests like aphids and use natural remedies if necessary.
Growing a lemon tree in a cup not only brings a fresh citrus scent to your home but also offers a rewarding journey from seed to fragrant maturity. Enjoy nurturing your indoor lemon tree!