Don’t buy garlic anymore! Here’s how to grow it in a pot endlessly...


Garlic stands out as a widely utilized culinary ingredient, not only for its flavorful contribution to dishes but also for its significant health benefits. Packed with vitamins A, B, C, and E, antioxidants, calcium, potassium, zinc, selenium, and allicin (a potent natural antibiotic), garlic earns its status as a superfood and nutraceutical. While often associated with warding off vampires, this versatile ingredient has a valuable place in your kitchen and health regimen.
Despite its popularity, store-bought garlic can be relatively expensive. However, a single garlic clove possesses the potential to sustain your supply indefinitely. Learn the simple method of cultivating garlic at home in a pot with perpetual results.
What you need:
Potting soil
A head of garlic
A pot