Polish-American Love Story: The Hamburger Edition


For the Star-Spangled Patties:
1 lb ground pork (oink oink)
1 lb ground beef (moo moo)
1 sleeve saltine crackers, crushed (for that secret texture magic)
2/3 cup milk (cow juice, if you will)
2 eggs, beaten (chicken's contribution to our cause)
1 small yellow onion, minced (prepare for happy tears)
1 green bell pepper, minced (for that pop of color)
1 tbsp dried dill (the herb that screams "Eastern Europe!")
1/2 tbsp garlic powder (vampire repellent)
1 tbsp dried parsley (for that fresh look)
1/2 tsp nutmeg (the secret weapon)
2 tbsp butter (because butter makes everything better)
For the Mushroom Sauce Extravaganza:
1/4 cup butter (yes, more butter. Don't question greatness)
2 cups mushrooms, sliced (fun guys invited to the party)
2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce (the unpronounceable flavor bomb)
2 cloves garlic, minced (more vampire protection)
1/4 cup all-purpose flour (the sauce thickener extraordinaire)
4 cups beef stock (liquid flavor, baby!)
2 tbsp sour cream (the Polish secret weapon)
Salt and pepper (season like you mean it!)
The Culinary Adventure Begins:
Prep the Landing Pad: